Tag Archives: Conditt

Hypocrisy in the Party of Family Values?


Okay, everyone’s pretty used to Democrats and their wandering zippers.  But the party of “Family Values”?  Say it aint so!

I always tell people to watch where they’re throwing those stones from their glass houses.  This reminds me of Gary Conditt and a few others.

By Ashley Powers
LA Times

Nevada Sen. John Ensign, an emerging Republican leader who has been mentioned as a possible 2012 presidential candidate, apologized Tuesday for an extramarital affair with a former staff member but indicated that he had no plans to resign.

“It’s absolutely the worst thing I have ever done in my life,” he said at a televised news conference. “If there was ever anything that I could take back in my life, this would be it.”

Did someone threaten to spill the beans??:

It was unclear why Ensign made the disclosure so abruptly. He skipped a Senate vote related to tourism, his state’s lifeblood, and flew to Las Vegas for the hastily arranged news conference.

Ahhh… the sweet scent of hypocrisy:

The senator also could be vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy. He belongs to Promise Keepers, a Christian group whose members pledge, among other things, to abide by biblical principles to build strong marriages.

As a candidate for the Senate, Ensign demanded that President Clinton resign after having an affair with a White House intern. He also voted to impeach Clinton.

Years later, Ensign strongly suggested that Sen. Larry Craig resign in the wake of his arrest in a 2007 airport bathroom sex sting in Minneapolis. The Idaho Republican pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor.

Ensign is a social conservative who opposes abortion and backs gun rights, but he won office by touting small-government principles, said Eric Herzik, who chairs the University of Nevada, Reno, political science department.

Listen, I’m not judging this man. I’m just saying that HE should be careful of whom HE judges! The Republican Party is becoming a complete joke! First they had an unethical, adulterous, bigamist like John McCain running for President. Then there’s people like John Ensign, David Vitter, Larry Craig,…. Come on! Cut it out! You’re NOT the party of family values!